Here at Networking Delaware we have searched for some time, trying to find that one system that provides the best protection for the most reasonable cost. We have finally found that product.
Networking Delaware's Business Continuity System can quickly and easily resolve the following scenarios:
1. A new employee accidentally deletes some important files. He is afraid to tell anyone and the deletions are not discovered for a few days.
With our solution you can go back a month to run a simple data restore.
2. Your server hard drive crashes on the day of a very important business deadline.
With our system your backup device can be converted to a replacement up-to-date server in less than 10 minutes.
3. Your backups appear to be successful and occurring on schedule, but you have no easy way to confirm this is happening.
With our system you can easily access backed-up files just as you would access server files, confirming that backups are successful.
4. You are successfully backing up your data each night, but when a failure occurs near the end of the day, that day's data has to be recreated after your day-old data is restored
With our system we can perform data "snapshots" as often as every 15 minutes so you can restore data that is no more than 15 minutes old.
5. Your office burns to the ground, taking both your server and all backup data.
A server can be virtualized, in the cloud, to replace your office server using an exact image of your data
and, with proper credentials, you and your employees can access that data from anywhere a live Internet
connection exists.
‡ The Gartner Group- 2006 research study.